Ontario Excess Soil Regulation 406/19 (On-site and Excess Soil Management, and Rules for Soil Management and Excess Soil Quality Standards) establish criteria for the on-site management, transportation and off-site reuse and disposal of excess soil. These criteria clarify when excess soil can be reused for a beneficial purpose at a reuse site and when it must be disposed of as waste at an approved waste disposal site, such as a landfill. The improper management of excess soil may result in negative impacts on soil, groundwater, landscapes, human health, and environment for local natural ecosystems. Following O.Reg.406/19 will ensure the implementation of excess soil management processes for reuse or disposal for regulatory compliance, which may also reduce the excess soil that ends up in landfills.  

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Excess soil refers to soil, crushed rock or soil mixed with rock or crushed rock, that has been excavated as part of a project and removed from the project area. Excess soil projects involve the excavation of soil including: 

  • Any form of development or site alteration 
  • the construction, reconstruction, erection or placement of a building or structure of any kind 
  • the establishment, replacement, alteration or extension of infrastructure, or 
  • any removal of liquid soil or sediment from a surface water body 

In adherence with and as outlined in O. Reg. 406/19, we will provide clients with the following excess soil reuse planning services: 

  • Excess soil management plan 
  • Assessment of past uses 
  • Implementation of sampling and analysis plan 
  • Completion of a soil characterization report 
  • Completion of an excess soil destination assessment report 
  • Implementation of a tracking system 

With extensive experience and knowledge of O. Reg. 406/19 for excess soil management we help clients successfully meet their due diligence requirements, with a focus on financial optimization throughout the project process.