Date: January 27, 2021

Infection Prevention and Control in Buildings 

Richard Quenneville, CIH, ROH will explore aerosol generation and airborne transmission of a virus within in a building.   He will present recommendations from the AIHA, ACGIH, ASHRAE and various other experts on improving ventilation controls and application of other engineering control measures that can be used by facilities and building management to prevent COVID-19 infection within a building. 

Prevention by Design,  An Occupational Hygiene Perspective 

Don Webb, CIH, ROH will present the NIOSH prevention through design concepts and how it relates to ventilation or project design and looks at eliminating hazards and risks to workers as early as possible in the life cycle of products, equipment or workplaces.   It provides a framework for implementing risk assessment concepts within the various phases of a system’s life span through risk reduction and assessment. 

Ergonomics at the Office and Working from Home 

Jordan Cabral, MPH will present the proper setup of a computer workstation including layout, lighting, equipment setup and all the proper ergonomic factors to be considered to avoid soft tissue injury, muscle fatigue and eye strain. 

Infection Control with Respect to COVID-19 and Cold and Flu Season 

Lisa Xiong, MPH will provide insight and protocols for joint health and safety committees on infection control for COVID-19 and flu administration.