You probably know or at least have an idea about what mould looks like. When you see it in your home or work environments, you should be considering a mould assessment. Here is why:
It is true that mould naturally occurs in outdoor environments – many of us encounter it every day with little to no adverse effects on our health. So why is it such a big deal in our homes and indoor work environments? When mould occurs indoors things can drastically change. In addition to the often unpleasant sight and odour, mould and its airborne spores can accumulate in high concentrations. Then, they can pose a health risk when inhaled.
Start your journey to a safer environment – request a free consultation!
So, when do you contact a mould professional?
Avoid mould-related health concerns:
Sometimes people think they see or smell mould, but they are not sure. To avoid adverse health issues, a mould assessment can be an effective tool to confirm whether mould is present, where it is located and at what concentrations.
There is a health issue which seems to be related to mould. Do you or your tenants frequently and persistently have itchy eyes, cough, sneeze, or get headaches? Healthcare practitioners may tell you it is a reaction to fungi spores. A mould assessment is a good way to confirm or dismiss the presence and extent the issue in your environment. Young children and elderly people are most susceptible to mold-related illnesses, but even healthy young adults can be affected.
Are you buying or selling real estate? Don’t forget to test your home!
A mould assessment will help avoid complications no matter which side of the deal you are on. Property buyers will avoid from spending thousands on combatting water damage and mould. Sellers will dodge delays in closing the sale and even later court disputes.
Avoid damage to your home. Mould consumes the building materials and can cause structural damage. Your home inspector may be able to spot warning signs of mould. Even so, it is advisable to get an independent assessment from a certified mould professional since they have a complete understanding of the possible issue. This will help mitigate your risks and potential for future major expenses. An added benefit of a mould assessment is that it can also help discover leaks or other sources of water infiltration.
Do you and your tenant constantly argue over a mouldy or musty odour? The only way to control it is to find and remove its source! Air fresheners and household cleaning products may temporarily mask the smell but they will not get rid of it forever. A mould assessment can help put an end to the disputes. It will determine for certain whether or not a mould problem exists and to what degree. Plus, the smell can be a sign of bigger problems – which, if left unaddressed, can have you looking at more expensive solutions later. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
After an EHS-related fix:
Have you noticed water staining or water damage? Or maybe you discovered hidden but persistent leaks? In any case, when there is a history of leaks or other water damage, it helps to test for mould. It may exist in the air and/or hide behind walls and may cause problems later on – even when the water damage has been repaired!
Clearance inspection and testing after a mould remediation is a good idea. It will help ensure that mould counts have returned to normal levels and do not pose any further health risk, rendering the issue resolved. You will be able to keep track and have proof of the clearance via documentation from independent licensed professionals.
About T. Harris Environmental Management:
T. Harris Environmental Management Inc. (THEM) is a leader in the environmental consulting industry since 1979. We are committed to providing the highest quality of service and support to our clients. Our experienced and professional staff is comprehensively trained and certified by several institutions, including the IICRC. They hold designations as Professional Engineers (P.Eng.), Certified Industrial Hygienists (CIH), Registered Occupational Hygienists (ROH) and Registered Occupational Hygiene Technologist (ROHT).
Having been in business for over 35 years, we are experienced with various types of buildings and we share your urgency, while remaining individually and corporately accountable for the results and delivery of our services.