Air Ventilation

How to control exposure to CoV19 virus aerosols has taken on greater significance as a means for creating a healthy indoor environment. Property management firms, manufacturing personnel, school boards, health care and food preparation facilities are all cognizant of this need and the concerns the pandemic has raised. While social distancing and respirator use provide some protection from infection, engineering controls such as improving ventilation systems offer more reliable, quantifiable and effective transmission control.


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Indoor Environment Quality

When creating a healthy indoor environment, it is prudent to consider factors that impact well-being and productivity. External factors such as lighting, temperature, ventilation and noise play a role in the in the way we work, live and play.

Assessment can include:

  • Indoor noise mapping, noise survey using our in-house mapping software (Noise at Work)
  • Ergonomics assessments following CSA Standard Z412-17 Guideline on Office Ergonomics
  • Indoor air quality assessments
  • Odour investigations
  • Evaluation of ventilation baseline air changes for improving relative risk reduction of infection,
  • Recommendations on air cleaning for COVID19

Ventilation Assessment

Utilizing engineering controls by implementing dilution ventilation or increased filtration efficiency are reliable and effective controls to reduce risk of airborne virus infection.. We use tracer gas technology to measure ventilation air changes per hour (ACH) of spaces to help clients meet the minimum ACH needed to reduce risk of infection by more than 95% when compared to other airborne virus infection prevention methods.

  • T. Harris follows best management practices from AIHA (Reducing the Risk of COVID-19 Using Engineering Controls – Guidance Document), and control strategies from the Harvard School of Public Health (Schools for Health).
  • We begin by reviewing the efficiency of the filters currently being used.
  • We use carbon dioxide (CO2 ) as our tracer gas since it is easy to get and disperse and has low toxicity (5000 ppm TWA).
  • Once all spaces have similar CO2 levels, we start our measurement process in each room

From this data we are able to know the current ACH and using our partners Northern Air, we provide our clients with a flexible and unique ventilation strategy to improve their ACH if needed to achieve more than 95% reduction in risk of infection to any airborne virus.

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