par Marketing | Jul 16, 2018 | Consultant Advice, Non classifié(e)
With chemotherapy as one of the main cancer treatments, there is a global increase in the use of antineoplastic agents. Antineoplastic drugs, also known as cytotoxic drugs, are most often used in chemotherapy to treat cancer. While they are used to treat cancer...
par Marketing | Jul 13, 2018 | Consultant Advice, Non classifié(e)
In recent years, to protect workers in the construction industry against exposure to hazardous chemicals, the Ministry of Labour removed the exemption to Ontario Regulation 833 that construction projects enjoyed. This regulation sets out requirements for protecting...
par Marketing | Mar 26, 2018 | Consultant Advice, Non classifié(e)
Les inondations et les dégâts d’eau qui en découlent souvent peuvent être inattendus et souvent dévastateurs sur le plan financier. Lorsque l’eau s’infiltre dans un bâtiment à la suite de précipitations ou d’une défaillance mécanique,...
par Marketing | Feb 28, 2018 | Consultant Advice, Non classifié(e)
Today, women are becoming more numerous in the global workforce and are moving into traditionally male-dominated industries. A half a decade ago, industries like construction, property management, maintenance and production management could not boast of many female...
par Marketing | Feb 28, 2018 | Consultant Advice, Non classifié(e)
It is not easy to predict when the weather will get warmer, but one thing that is certain to occur: with the rise in temperatures each year, comes the renovation season! Winters are, in general, unbearably rough when it comes to renovating a building or an open...
par Louisa | Jan 23, 2018 | Consultant Advice, Non classifié(e)
Alors que les hôtels s’empressent de répondre aux préoccupations de leurs clients en matière de santé et d’environnement, ils ne peuvent ignorer la préoccupation universelle croissante que représente la qualité de l’air intérieur (QAI). Une vie saine...