Let’s Talk About Indoor Environment Quality

Let’s Talk About Indoor Environment Quality

Date: How to control exposure to CoV19 virus aerosols has taken on greatersignif icance as a means of creating a healthy indoor environment. Forexample, we need to provide our teams with ergonomic solutions whereverthey may work to ensure their overall health and saf...
Ergonomics: At Home Or Wherever You Work

Ergonomics: At Home Or Wherever You Work

Date: Il incombe toujours à l’employeur de veiller à la santé et à la sécurité de ses employés lorsqu’ils travaillent à domicile. Ce webinaire vous apprendra pourquoi l’ergonomie du bureau à domicile est essentielle, quels sont les facteurs à...
Industrial Hygiene Awareness

Industrial Hygiene Awareness

Date: Infection Prevention and Control in Buildings  Richard Quenneville, CIH, ROH will explore aerosol generation and airborne transmission of a virus within in a building.   He will present recommendations from the AIHA, ACGIH, ASHRAE and various other experts on...
Return to Work Safely

Return to Work Safely

Date: As you know, Ontario is heading towards a 4th wave due to the increasing rate of infection. Now, the prospect of transmissions is increasing even amongst those who are fully vaccinated. We understand the process of returning to work can be worrisome. Through the...